When you are done move to the next item of focus you need to work on. When I move my body I always feel so good. As to affirmations, you may repeat the following affirmations: 1 Meditation Yoga in Daily Life This meditation-garden plan, elegant in its simplicity, creates a peaceful, soothing spot for quiet reflection Venerable Ajahn David Chutiko, meditating at Wat A Meditation on Life: The Lottery A Meditation on Life: Solidarity A Meditation on Life: The Lottery A Meditation on Life: Solidarity. My cells are tingling with positive feelings. Then surrounding this you write positive statement that support this concept.
How to use: You can put anything in the center that you are wanting to achevie or have. But they are all wonderful and I highly recommend them! This really works that's why I'm putting here for you guys to have and use without reading all the Hicks books. This is so neat I can look back on my sheets and see how all the things I wanted are all checked off or something better happened.

If you feel stuck just skip the category until later. This will help your subconscious mind organize what you want and how you feel about each item. How to use: Print or open then Be easy and let it flow in each category to write want you want in each. Abraham Hicks - You Can Start Your New Magical Life in Just 17 Seconds.

If you can hold a particular vibrationfeelingfor a minimum of 17 seconds you can manifest it into creation. The first worksheet is an Abraham Hicks Concept called the creative workshop essentially there are 6 categories of life Health, Finances, Family, Work, Kids/pets, and Partner It was because I held the feeling of being a Grand Prize winner for so long that I manifested two prizes that day. Abraham Hicks Concept, Focus Wheel and Creative Workshop sheet, Manifest worksheet, Law of Attraction Workbook Pages, Focus Wheel